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10 Best Blogs for Celebrity Dating

Whether your preferred performers tend to be riding at the top of the A-list or fighting their unique in the past to larger popularity, the 10 Best blog sites for Celebrity Dating have you covered from the newest juicy news.

Platinum Girl Star Blog

Bragging Rights: love advice towards the performers

Platinum Girl Celebrity website is a great website that blends the ability of an expert internet dating mentor up against the insane statements out of Tinsel city. Vanessa Taylor charts the progress of brand new celeb partners and outdated, revealing on the misadventures in news reports, while providing upwards some healthier guidance that all partners could follow.

Social Clout: 11,047+ supporters, 319+ likes


Pink may be the New Blog

Bragging liberties: everybody’s organization is your business

At Pink could be the unique Blog, they claim every person’s company is their own business, especially if you are actually famous and rich. In a lighthearted and do not bitter heart, the editors select the good Hollywood’s news ticker. From celebrity babies into coming Oscars, they cover it with flare.

Social Clout: 6,294+ loves, 790+ followers


Access Hollywood

Bragging Rights: from the well-known TV show

Aided by the full coverage of Access Hollywood, splitting development and internet dating changes tend to be mixed with interactive polls and considerable galleries. This staff features sources everywhere and sometimes receives the information on those sudden shock weddings. Back ground information is on most all celebs, plus an entire dating schedule.

Social Clout: 276,227+ followers, 181,000+ likes


Holy Moly

Bragging liberties: the good and terrible of celeb internet dating

Launched in 2002, Holly Molly is the largest independent pop music culture site in the U.K., covering Hollywood with a distinctive and extremely Brit sound. Their team scours their particular options and watches authorities blobs for parts like “The 14 Worst Things Justin Bieber Did in 2013” and “What Do celebrities on Twitter believe that?”

Social Clout: 32,269+ fans, 7,193+ likes


Jessica Simien

Bragging liberties: existence, activity, tradition, development

Jessica Simien is acknowledged for the woman unique vocals, irreverent and upbeat but with an excellent directly her arms. Her web site covers the most recent in Hollywood hookups and has-beens, with substantial movie diaries from number by herself. Look at the “Cue The Rant” area to hear her most recent meat.

Personal Clout: 1,661+ likes, 1,432+ fans


Perez Hilton

Bragging Rights: the very first name in celeb news

Both cherished and disliked, Perez Hilton seems to enjoy the former. Their web site unapologetically goes following extra, the hypocritical and the strange from Wilshire Boulevard to Broadway. From celeb topless selfies to Twitter wars, his groups locates the juiciest scoops with biting commentary for a giant audience.

Social Clout: 6,051,373+ supporters, 442,000+ likes


Omg Blog

Bragging Rights: you’ll state OMG about any of it news

As the OMG web log discusses from art to chocolate, their own bread and butter is actually titillating celeb gossip and also the latest in crazy Hollywood development. Hot new hunks and starlets showcase their particular physiques through the entire galleries, whilst the reality about which stars have acquired cosmetic surgery is actually debated inside statements.

Social Clout: 5,750+ supporters, 2,219+ likes


Evil Beet Gossip

Bragging liberties: it is not private. it’s just gossip

Evil Beet Gossip finds the wildest, most uproarious news around and amps it up several decibels. Posts celebrate the exciting, like wedding notices and births, and skewers the preposterous, like boned-headed Hollywood pairings and ridiculous child labels. Numerous powerful voices are evident here.

Social Clout: 4,800+ loves, 1,290+ fans

Address: “

That’s Dated Whom?

Bragging Rights: the internet’s home for celebrity online dating

The focus at that is Date which? is without question superior, resulting in its carried on success with visitors. It gives you a timeline and a clear connect-the-dots on internet dating in Hollywood. Typically like a casino game of musical seats, the headlines lead to a dizzying keep reading youthful stars and old.


Star Gossip

Bragging Rights: running on gossip

Celebrity Gossip overwhelms with possibilities, from movie and photograph galleries, to a mode and beauty section and a celebrity standing system. They specialize in the delicious, from breakups and guardianship fights, to secret affairs and celeb feuds. This site even offers full insurance coverage of this performers of TV, flicks and music.


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